Custom Fitting
One of the larger golf retailers in Hampshire, our Pro shop carries a comprehensive range of golf equipment and clothing, supplying the very latest technology from the world’s leading manufacturers.
What is Custom Fitting?
One of the larger golf retailers in Hampshire, our Pro shop carries a comprehensive range of golf equipment and clothing, supplying the very latest technology from the world’s leading manufacturers.
As a member of the Foremost Group, the largest group of independent golf retailers in the UK, you will receive expert advice as well as great value.
The award-winning club fitting service, ensures our customers buy the equipment best suited to their game. Usually, when someone speaks to us about upgrading their equipment it’s because they’re unhappy with what they’re currently using. In other words, they’re not hitting it how they’d like to or they’ve lost confidence. This is when we will make a huge impact on your game.
We’d encourage you to speak to any of your friends who have had a custom fitting with us and ask them about their experience.
Through our extensive training and professional knowledge, we’ll take you on a journey to find the best-suited clubs for your swing. Once we’ve narrowed down the options together and you’ve identified the club(s) that gives you greatest performance, you’ll walk away full of confidence that you’re making the right choice.
If this sounds like something you’d like to try, get in touch and we’ll get back to you within a few days.
Why Custom Fitting?
- Clubs matched to your swing
- Improved accuracy and distance
- Bad shots are improved
- More value from your investment
- Greater confidence